Beat Social Anxiety at the Gym

Some back story: I had just started working out and being 5’0, 90 lb female, I was weak, uncoordinated, and clueless about how to use any of the equipment. I knew to get the look, the health and the lifestyle I wanted, I had to start weight training. So I went to the campus gym at the University of Waterloo and started to adjust a machine. And for the life of me I couldn’t do it. The knobs were a struggle to move, and I didn’t know exactly how to adjust for my size and height. After a few tries, I got frustrated, anxious, and didn’t want to stay at the gym anymore. I went to the change room and because I was so frustrated, I just had to cry! And then I left.

But I didn’t give up. I knew weights were the next step and I had to do it no matter what. I asked a friend who was knowledgeable and experienced to teach me how the machines worked, what exercises to focus on for my goals, and how to do those exercises. Soon, it was time for me to train on my own.

The first time I went by myself, I was reminded of my first time and my anxiety kicked in. However I talked myself into going, with the mindset that now I know what to do. I was SO INTIMIDATED. I was worried about being judged on how I looked, not doing the exercises properly and not using the equipment properly. This was an “advanced” gym where everyone knew what they were doing and also looked great. So my anxieties were through the roof! I was shaking walking into the gym, but did it in the face of fear. I got my headphones in and started training, and suddenly the fear and anxiety vanished.

What I found was: 

  • ALL of the fear was in my head!

  • After you start working out, you get into it and the anxiety washes away. Fear is just adrenaline so you use it up while training

  • Other gym members are concerned with their own workouts

  • People who actually know what they are doing are always accepting and inviting to new members. They know what it feels like to be a beginner

  • People who are judging you are the ones who haven’t achieved much themselves. If someone has the time and energy to look around and judge, they’re not focused on their own training. So their judgement is worthless

  • If you need help with a machine, ask someone who works there

  • You will make friends with others who go around the same time and create a community feeling. Read more about importance of community in fitness here!

  • It helps to have a proper structured program to follow so you’re not searching for what to do or doing random exercises

  • And the most important: you don’t have to already be fit to go to the gym!!! 


I know due to the rise of social media fitness culture, it seems like everyone at the gym is superfit, and you might stick out. Most people in gyms are focused on themselves: their body, their workout, their space. Also, many people don’t know what they’re doing.

If you’re going in with a program and have an idea of what your form should look like, you’re ahead of 90% of people who go to gyms!

The best thing you can do if you’re feeling anxious is to change your mindset. Like I said, the fear was in my head, because once I actually got there and started training, I realized no one is watching/judging me. And going in with a detailed program helped immensely as I felt confident knowing how long I was going to stay at an exercise station, how many sets and reps to do, where to go next, and how to do the exercises. 

Of course, having a trainer to help you is best, but not everyone has that option, which is why I created my online “Intro to Fitness” course that includes EVERYTHING a new trainee would need to succeed at the gym- even mindset training! I’ve used variations of this program in-person and online with hundreds of clients and all of them have seen a drastic change in their confidence level, body, and lifestyle. 

I hope this article helped you feel more confident in yourself! In the end I’ll say, just get out of your head, put a nice outfit on, put your music in, and do it. You’ll be just fine after the first couple weeks


Importance of Community in Health and Fitness


The Beauty of Coaching