How to Look like your Favourite Fitness Model

I always encourage people to have a visual of what they’d like to look like. It definitely helps to have a visual. It also helps to have a role model- someone you look up to and admire. If you have one whose body you admire and are wondering what you have to do to look like them, this article is for you.

  1. First, see how your role model trains and eats. With social media, this information is readily out there. However, this may not be the full reality!

  2. Now figure out how long have they been doing it for. See if they always did it this way. Was it different from when they started? Most people write about their experiences on their website or social media.

  3. Now figure out what you have to do to get there. Do you have to exercise and diet the exact same way as them? Is it feasible for you to do it? If not, then what is? Maybe they are doing exercises that you don’t know how to yet. How can you modify the exercise to achieve similar results?

As an example, to achieve the look of a fitness model who has years of proper nutrition and training behind her, you have to not only look at what she’s doing now- you have to see what she did when she was where you are at now. That’s what you should or should not be “copying” if you want to copy. Not everyone knew what they were doing in their initial years. I definitely didn’t even though I had enough knowledgeable people around me- I started my training at the Strength and Conditioning Club at the University of Waterloo. I made a ton of mistakes that I could have avoided if I was working with a good coach. It wasn’t until after my first competition in 2014 that I really started learning. I could have had four years of progress!

So getting a knowledgeable coach would be the first step IF you know this is what you absolutely want to do. You do not want to waste time spinning your wheels.


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